Carol Ridolfi 23rd March 2010

I first met John when he was treated in the Radiation Oncology Dept, in Guilford. John's was a difficult disease, and his treatment course was not without many obstacles. Throughout, though, he maintained his dignity and sence of humor. I don't remember exactly when my relationship with John transcended from patient/nurse to friend. It could have been immediate or slowly as we shared his journey, but that is no matter. The fact is I grew to love John and Linda. They were the kind of couple that reminded me of why I became a nurse, and along the way made me a better person for having known them. And so, from here on in, I will not eat a cheese danish, hang a Christmas decoration, or put a log on the fire without thinking of John. My prayers are with you Linda, may your memories sustain you during this difficult time. Love, Carol